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Taking my energy sensitivity quiz is the first step towards understanding more about who you are!
If you suspect that you may be an empath or highly sensitive person, this quiz can help you find out if that’s true for you.
Being an empath with a high level of energy sensitivity isn’t uncommon. Between 15-20% of the population is energy sensitive. And most are completely unaware of their own sensitivity. There are several labels that fall under the umbrella of energy sensitivity. Empaths, HSP (highly sensitive persons), lightworkers, psychics, energy workers, energy healers, highly-creative people, and even those who are “on the spectrum” may experience energy sensitivity.
Energy sensitivity isn’t a disorder and it’s not an illness. You aren’t crazy. But society can sometimes make it seem like you are because you’re different.
Physiologically, you have a nervous system that is far more sensitive than the other 80-85% of the population. It allows you to experience subtle energies that the majority of the world never gets to experience. It causes you to feel the energy of the world in a more powerful way. And chances are you have mirror neurons that are more active as well. This can cause you to experience the emotions of others as your own.
Once you understand more about who you are, you will be better equipped to function in the world in a healthier way!
The quiz below has been designed to help you recognize patterns of energy sensitivity
Energy Sensitivity Quiz
Give yourself one point for any of the below characteristics:
- Experience frequent fatigue
- Often experience anxiety or depression
- Can struggle with digestive problems
- Often sensitive to bright lights or loud noises
- Can be sensitive to sugar, caffeine, and alcohol
- Chemical sensitivities are common (medications, household cleaners, personal care products
- Having a cluttered or messy house can be draining
- Sensitive to the feel of scratchy or rough fabrics on skin
- Commonly overeat when stressed or overwhelmed
- Usually have a low tolerance to pain
- Prone to suffer from allergies or skin problems
- Often diagnosed with ADHD
- Sensitive to changes in blood sugar. May get “hangry”.
- May experience panic attacks or anxiety when overstimulated
- Often develop addictions in order to numb
- Typically require more sleep than average
- Physical manifestations of stress
- Often have aversions to getting shots
- High-intensity exercise depletes them
- Large crowds are overwhelming
- Do better living in less populated areas
- Overwhelmed easily in large cities
- Prefer one on one interaction or small, intimate gatherings
- Often have fear of becoming overwhelmed in relationships
- Often struggle when having to share living space with others
- Social isolation is common
- Tend to be people pleasers
- Often wear a mask to hide authentic self
- Overwhelmed by people who talk a lot
- Avoid violent or overly-dramatic television and media
- Watching the news is overwhelming
- Social media can be overwhelming
- Can feel the emotions of others as their own
- Labeled as “overly sensitive”, “too emotional” or “overly dramatic”
- Often told they need to “toughen up”
- Struggle with perfectionism
- Sensitive to criticism. Will try to avoid it at all costs
- Struggle with self-love
- Often have a belief that there is something wrong with them. “Not enough”
- Don’t like being rushed
- Can get overwhelmed when having to do last-minute tasks
- Many are night-owls or very early birds
- Feel better when out in nature
- Are highly-creative
- Feel the need to control things
- Tend to be introverted
- Gets overwhelmed easily
- Feel physically ill during arguments
- Often feel like they don’t fit in
- Need a lot of alone time
- Can struggle when multitasking
- Absorb other people’s emotional energy
- Easily overstimulated by too much information
- Tend to fidget a lot
- Often suffer from low self-esteem
- Tend to startle easily
- Often experience physical pain
- Are overthinkers
- Often seek to know more about the deep mysteries of life
- Change is stressful to them
- They tend to have a deep inner world
- They are often misunderstood
- Can have a difficult time being touched while sleeping (absorb the energy of others)
- Have problems setting boundaries
- Prone to daydream when overstimulated
- Usually deeply moved by music
- Typically more spiritually oriented
- Have a difficult time letting go of negative thoughts
- Often beat themselves up
- Have a strong fear of rejection, even in minor situations
- Takes things personally
- Often hides negative feelings from others
- Tend to overreact
- Often test as having high sensory processing sensitivity
- Feel like they are “too much” for others
- Love to spend time with animals
- Animals and young children are drawn to them
- May have psychic gifts such as clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance
- Strangers often tell them very personal things
- Often drawn to helping others
- Tend to put the needs of others before their own needs
- Can easily tell when someone isn’t being honest
- Often forgive others too quickly
- Tend to have difficulty relaxing
- A strong dislike of people who are mean or selfish
- May have trouble distinguishing between their emotions and the emotions of others
- Others often dump their emotions on them
- Typically have problems saying no
- Often experience synchronicities
- Can be too generous
- Often drawn to alternative modes of healing
- Can struggle with feeling confined by rules
- A lack of freedom can debilitate them
- Struggle to do things that don’t bring them joy
- Always seeking truth
- Often experience random mood swings
- Prefer to buy things new instead of second-hand
- Tend to be good listeners
- Can be unpredictable
- Can be needy at times
- They are curious and love learning
- May be drawn to learning about ancient cultures
- Love having the freedom to travel
- Are peacemakers
- May experience lucid and vivid dreams
- They are master manifesters
- Many have a spiritual awakening
- Often drawn to metaphysical things
- Guided by their heart and intuition more often than by logic
- Often just “know” things
- May have a difficult time accepting labels.
How to score this quiz…
This quiz is not meant to “diagnose”. But it can show you patterns of things that are common to energy sensitives that you may experience.
Energy sensitivity sits on a scale
Less than 25- You are likely someone on the upper end of the spectrum of those with a normal level of energy sensitivity.
Above 25– You are energy sensitive! If you’ve struggled because of some (or many) of the traits you have, then you are in the right place! I am going to help you understand what it is to be energy-sensitive. And I will teach you how to manage the energy within you and around you. This will help you to let go of the struggle so you can live a happier and healthier life!